New Tribes Mission - planting tribal churches



Prayer Letters - August 2005 - [MS Word] [PDF]


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Summer 2005



Dear Co-laborers,


“For we are laborers together,

with God.”  I Corinthians 3:9


We are enclosing a copy of “Our Love Story.”  It is the story of how the Lord has wonderfully allowed us to continue on in our ministry with New Tribes Mission these past 31+ years, despite the Home-going of our former spouses and our having to leave the foreign mission field.  We just celebrated our 23rd Wedding Anniversary last month and we thank the Lord for graciously allowing our two families to become one, as we serve Him together here at the New Tribes Mission International Headquarters.


Please feel free to duplicate “Our Love Story,” and share it with others. 


An electronic version of “Our Love Story” can be found by visiting our new webpage:


“Our Love Story” can be easily downloaded from our webpage.


It is our prayer that the focus of “Our Love Story” is on God; that He can use anyone who is willing to “step out in faith” and follow Him.


Joyfully in Christ,


John & Linda McGhee


Missionaries with New Tribes Mission


Work:       407-547-2400

Home:      407-323-8777




August 2005


A Prayer Request:


Hurricane Season has arrived already here in Florida!  You may remember that we had three destructive hurricanes that came directly through Sanford last year.


We are concerned that a huge pine tree, located close to our house, might not make it through another Florida hurricane.  It would do considerable damage to our house and two small sheds if it were to come down because of hurricane force winds.  In addition, a large limb on our camphor tree, which hangs over a brick wall and is close to our house, needs to be removed.


We would ask you to please pray for the Lord’s provision; that we would be able to have the pine tree and the large limb removed.  It will cost approximately $1,500 to have this work professionally done.


John & Linda (McGhee)

New Tribes Mission

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