Ministry Support Form

Yes!  I want to be a Co-laborer with John & Linda McGhee

to facilitate God's work with NTM !

     Prayer and Intercession  
  I will support John & Linda McGhee by praying regularly
            for their ministry and for New Tribes Mission.

     Monthly Financial Support 
  I want to commit to giving a monthly gift of: $ ________


      One-Time Financial Support
  I would like to give a one-time donation of:  $ ________
          ...designated for: John & Linda McGhee

Name and address:


City: ____________________  State_____  Zip:________

Telephone: ______________________________________

E-mail Address: _________________________________



Please complete & return this form to:

John & Linda McGhee

New Tribes Mission
1000 East First Street

Sanford, FL  32771-1487


To ensure accurate accounting and to provide you with a tax deductible receipt, please make checks payable to "New Tribes Mission" and note in the memo field:


"Acct. #644300 John & Linda McGhee"

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