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Prayer Letters - January 2006 - [MS Word] [PDF]


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Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.


Proverbs 3:5-6


January 2006 

Dear Praying Friends,


Greetings from the McGhee family here in Sanford, Florida.


We would appreciate your prayers for Linda these days.  She has been undergoing some extensive medical tests.  At first, she thought it was her gall bladder that was causing her so much pain and discomfort, but an ultrasound three weeks ago revealed that her problem may not be from her gall bladder.   An Upper GI series test taken the same day indicated that her problem was possibly gastritis.  Two more big tests that were done at a surgery center last week and they also didn’t reveal any specific problem.   Yesterday, she had a nuclear test done at the Sanford Hospital and it too was inconclusive.  She is now scheduled for another test at the hospital, early in the New Year.  The doctor has pretty well ruled out a gall bladder problem, so at this time, we really don’t know what is causing her so much pain and discomfort.  We are trusting the Lord for healing.  Thank you for praying.  Also, working in the Medical Plan office, we see many bills, and now it our turn to trust the Lord ourselves in meeting this additional financial need.  God is so wonderfully faithful and we thank Him for His goodness and provision to us, through you.


We are having a relatively warm winter so far, here in Florida, especially when compared to many other parts of our country.  We are very thankful that we didn’t get hit with any hurricanes here in the Sanford/Orlando area this year.  That certainly was a blessing, for which we thank the Lord.


We trust that you had a wonderful Christmas and that you have a very Happy New year in 2006.


Once again, thank you for your gifts to us.  You are a wonderful blessing!



Joyfully in Christ,


John & Linda McGhee


New Tribes Mission • 1000 East First Street • Sanford, FL 32771



 Faces were downcast as they realized the price Christ paidJanuary 2006



SINDENI, Papua New Guinea:


Just yesterday, three and a half months of evangelistic Bible lessons for the Wuzarambya people came to a climax with a clear presentation of the Gospel and a challenge.

Teaching started in Sindeni village on Sept. 12 and moved in chronological order through key Bible passages from Creation to, on Thursday, the Ascension of Christ. Attendance and weather were good for the final week of lessons.

"Throughout the week people listened as one by one, prophesies were being fulfilled in Christ," wrote missionaries Andrew and Cathy Goud. Andrew has been teaching the lessons, supported by his wife and his co-workers, Terry and Rosie Banman and Darryl and Becky Jordan.

"First, one of Jesus' own disciples betrayed Him. Then He was taken away where He was met by a multitude of false accusations, though none could be proven. Finally they 'accused' Him of being Christ, the One anointed to be our Saviour and King, and Jesus agreed," Andrew wrote.

He narrated while the scenes were acted out, including the beatings and the crucifixion.

One woman began to wail the way the Wuzarambyans mourn when someone dies. Most of the people were downcast. "They were beginning to understand all that Jesus had to endure to set us free from Satan, sin and death," Andrew wrote.

"He then uttered His last words -- 'It is finished!' -- and He died. Jesus had finished all of the work needed to save us. Then the victory -- Jesus was victorious over Satan and death as He rose to life again on the third day. The Great Commission followed --'Now take what I've taught you and go and tell the world!'" Andrew wrote.

"From the day Adam sinned against God, God had promised a Saviour who would defeat Satan, sin and death. Only those who believe that to be true could be saved. 'Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved,'" Andrew taught from God’s Word.

"We concluded yesterday with a challenge," Andrew wrote.  He taught, "Some time ago you heard that Abraham believed and God credited it to him as righteousness. God saw Noah as righteous because he believed God's Word. When we believe God's Word, God sees us as righteous in Christ. Do you believe? Do you believe that you have sinned before our holy God? Do you believe that your sin is worthy of death, eternal separation from God in Hell ...?

"Do you believe that you yourself can do nothing about your sin? Going to church won't save you. ... Being good to others won't save you. Following God's laws won't save you. Even if you do good now, what about your past sins?

"Do you believe that only God can save you from sin, Satan and death? Do you believe that the Saviour whom God promised to send is Jesus? ... Do you believe that because of the shed blood of Christ that your sins have been forgiven and that you are now able to live with God once again and you can please him now?

"Do you believe all that? Then my friend you are now in the family of God and God's Spirit is in you!"

Some of the people appear to have understood and believed, but the missionary team is proceeding cautiously.

"Experience has taught us that people can learn the right words to make us think they believe, just like they learn the right words [magic] to make their gardens grow," Andrew wrote. "Rather than elicit testimonies which can easily be repeated we want to allow time for God to change their lives."

"Pray that a good number of listeners ... have accepted or are ready to accept the truths that they have heard during these past three months."


Sent to you by John & Linda McGhee

Missionaries with New Tribes Mission

Adapted from, January 2006


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