New Tribes Mission - planting tribal churches



"Our Love Story" - Chapter 13


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"Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing; thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness."

Psalm 30:11



The Healing of Hearts—John


Even after Lynn's death, John's heart still yearned to go back to Indonesia.   However, this was impossible at that time, with such a young daughter to take care of.  He asked his Heavenly Father for guidance.  There were many choices before him, but one thing he knew was that he did not want to leave New Tribes Mission.  Having put his "hand to the plough", he wanted to continue in the ministry that God had called him to.


After a trip back to Canada to visit with Dad and Mom McGhee, the Lord wonderfully opened up the way for John to begin a new ministry at the Mission's Bible School, located in central England.   He rented a truck, they said goodbye to their friends in London and he and Sarah were on their way to a new home and ministry.  John build a bunk bed for himself and Sarah that just fit into their little 7' x 10' bedroom.  Sarah slept on the top bunk and John on the lower.  The living room was small but adequate and therefore did not require a lot of housework.  There were several children Sarah's age at the Bible School and together, they attended the local Elementary School in the little village of Matlock Bath.


John drove the children from the Mission to school in an old VW van.  He worked on a variety of other jobs, which kept him busy, but John was also allowed to be with Sarah when she returned home from school in the afternoon.




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· Web Site Design and Maintenance: David McGhee
Special Thanks to NTM Communications: base template and animated slide show